Consultation Services provides expert advice to investigators with the goal of improving the quality and quantity of science at UCSF and affiliated institutions. Easily accessible, comprehensive and integrated consultations are available in diverse research fields at every stage of a study.
Major Resources

General Consultation
- Biostatistics
- Study Design & Implementation
- Data Management & Extraction
- Regulatory & Ethics

Specialty Consultation
- Scientific Writing
- Nutrition and Biobehavioral Measurement
- Population Health & Health Services Data
- Digital Health & more!

- Cohort identification from UCSF APeX/THREDS inpatient medical record & direct mail
- Recruitment methodology / Developing a recruitment plan
- Social Media recruitment and intervention
- Strategies for recruitment of underrepresented populations
- See Participant Recruitment Program page

Self-Help Resources
Prepared by experts and covering topics such as: