The CTSI Research Infrastructure Network (RIN) aims to expand CTSI’s research network to include regional health systems to reach a broad and diverse translational science community.

RIN provides consultation services to support the extension of CTSI core resources to serve the research infrastructure needs of research teams working within UCSF Health Affiliates (e.g., John Muir Health, Marin Health Medical Center, and Washington Hospital), as well as those working within the San Francisco Health Network, the SF VA Health Care System, plus UCSF Fresno and its affiliated community-based health systems.
Consultations are available to support regional health systems in the following areas:
- Navigation and access to CTSI Core Services
- Development of research partnerships
- Pragmatic research designs for community-based health settings
- IRB and regulatory requirements
- Training and deployment of clinical research coordinators
- Participant recruitment across diverse health systems