Emerging technology is generating major new opportunities for innovation in clinical and translational research. The multidisciplinary Informatics and Research Innovation (IRI) program works to make data more accessible and usable for research.

Electronic Health Records (EHR) for Research
Extend UCSF’s ability to obtain and derive EHR data for research by working closely with campus partners, notably Enterprise Information Analytics Program and Academic Research Systems and the UCSF Institutional Review Board (IRB). We are focused on enabling efficient and compliant access to the EHR data, both identified and de-identified, for research.

Trial Innovation
Enable the development of EHR-based interventions via clinical trials embedded within healthcare delivery systems (through multiple demonstration projects) for the purpose of generating scientific evidence while delivering healthcare.
Our partners in this effort include the UCSF Chief Medical Information Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Enterprise Information Analytics Program and IRB.

Direct-to-Participant Trials
Support the development of scalable, low cost infrastructure to enable investigators to engage directly with study participants.
Examples include technology to support trials being conducted remotely, online study platforms and digital or mobile health technology for measurement and intervention.