Advice from the Field
For the full videos from the Changemaker Series, visit UCSF Population Health and Health Equity webpage.
Here are some clips from the Changemaker Series on IMPACT-oriented topics:

Government Policies
- Executive Branch (Government) Policies: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff shares tips for working with policymakers.
- Legislative Branch (Government) Policies: Former President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Malia Cohen, emphasizes using data to inform policy.
- Legislative Branch (Government) Policies: Former President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Malia Cohen, and Police Chief William Scott explain the importance of sharing accurate information with the public.

3Ps: Policy, Programs, and Perceptions
- Margot Kushel, MD, shares why researchers and scientists need to learn about influencing the 3Ps: Policy, Programs, and Perceptions.

Community Engagement
- Naomi Bardach, MD talks about using a co-design approach with the community.
- Naomi Bardach, MD explains why it is important to bring everyone to the room, community members, decision-makers, and IMPACT-oriented scientists.
- Jenny Lam, Commissioner, San Francisco Board of Education and Sailaja Suresh, Senior Director, Oakland Unified School District explain why collaborating with the community is key.

When Policy Moves Faster Than Science
- Naomi Bardach, MD explains how sometimes you need to make decisions with the best information you have at the time.