IMPACT Last Mile Grant Supplements

Project Award Amount: $4,000


The Last Mile Grant Supplements are intended to support the dissemination of completed research (either one study or a body of research, not necessarily all by the PI) to policymakers in governmental and non-governmental sectors (e.g., healthcare leaders, professional societies). Research disseminated through last-mile supplements should be sufficiently robust that it is ready to be translated into governmental or non-governmental policy.

Recipients of funds are not allowed to use funding to lobby federal, state, or local officials. Funds may only be used to educate policymakers and other stakeholders on research or a body of research that is consistent with scientific consensus.

Last Mile Grant Supplements can be used for:

  • Time and resources needed to prepare for and disseminate findings to policymakers
  • Material development (policy briefs, infographics,  presentations, etc.)
  • Postage
  • Printing
  • Trips to DC, Sacramento, or to meet with policymakers elsewhere
  • Salary support
  • Stakeholder meeting support (such as cost for reserving a space, food, and assistance with preparing any documents)


  • PI or mentor has a UCSF affiliation. Examples include: Residents, Fellow/Post Docs, Instructors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Full Professors.
  • Research must be complete
  • K Awardees funded directly by NIH or AARQ are eligible BUT need to provide a letter from their mentor stating that receiving a Last Mile Supplement Grant will not conflict with the requirements of their K Award.

The Last Mile Grant Supplement is part of the UCSF Resource Allocation Program and is offered in both the Fall and Spring Cycle. Visit the RAP IMPACT Last Mile Grant Supplement webpage to learn more about how to apply.

Spring 2023 Last Mile Grant Supplement Awardees and their Projects | Clinical & Translational Science Institute (