Recipe for Relevance: Blend Digital Health Developers and Clinical Providers

By David Shaywitz, MD, PhD, via

Medical innovation and dHealth expert Dr. David Shaywitz offes his take on the March 5th "Meeting of the Minds", which brought together clinicians and digital health (dHealth) innovators in San Francisco.

Excerpt from the original post:

I wanted to capture a few quick top-of-mind reactions to a much-needed, well-executed event I attended Tuesday night, a “Meeting of the Minds,” co-sponsored by the digital health incubator Rock Health and the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). The goal: bring together healthcare providers who have specific pain points with technologists eager to develop solutions. This event happened to showcase several of my favorite themes: the importance of “field discovery” (i.e. innovation driven by practitioners, as described by MIT Professor Eric von Hippel), the need to create more useful digital health companies (vs more trivial apps); and the need to crowdsource problems not just solutions.


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