Note: Lead authoer Victoria Tang, MD, is a current KL2 Scholar.
UCSF researchers recommend hormonal therapy or symptom management in older nursing home residents
An analysis of more than a decade of U.S. nursing home data has shown that breast cancer surgery is associated with high rates of mortality and hospital readmission, along with loss of functional independence, for frail nursing home residents.
Note: Senior author Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS, PhD, an assistant professor at the UCSF School of Dentistry, was a KL2 scholar.
E-cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco Raise Never-Smoker Teens’ Risk of Smoking, UCSF Study Finds
Nonsmoking adolescents who use e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco or tobacco water pipes are more likely to start smoking conventional cigarettes within a year, according to new research by UC San Francisco.
Note: The Journal of General Internal Medicine recently published an editorial piece by UCSF-CTSI K Scholar Judy Tan, PhD, and co-authors from the University of Chicago.
Note: CTSI KL2 Awards Scholar Erin Van Blarigan publishes results from Fitbit One tracker for men with prostate cancer in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Genomics researcher Elena Flowers has her blood drawn as part of her hands-on approach to understanding the implications of genomics profiling. Photo by Elisabeth Fall.
A review of the scientific evidence published last year estimated that tanning beds account for as many as 400,000 cases of skin cancer in the United States each year.
CTSI K Scholar Lisa Thompson wins Phase I funding for project introducing liquid petroleum into communities which typically use more health hazardous smoky wood burning fires to cook.