Clinical Research

CTSI Ramps Up Support of COVID-19 Research

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) at UC San Francisco (UCSF), a unit within the Office of Research, will support, coordinate and respond to COVID-19 research needs. Some of CTSI’s efforts to support impactful COVID-19 research include:


UCSF COVID-19 Patient Data for Research is Now Available

As many researchers at UCSF community are looking to conduct research on COVID-19, we would like to let you know of a resource that can help you gain timely access to the UCSF COVID-19 patient data in our electronic health record (APeX). 

People taking blood thinners may risk danger by mixing with OTC meds

Note: Study last author Janice Schwartz, MD, used CTSI's Consultation Services (Data Extraction) for this study.

Story via UCLA Research Brief by Enrique Rivero 

Researcher of the Month, Elissa Epel, PhD

Elissa Epel portraitElissa Epel, PhD, a health psychologist, is interested in stress and how it gets under the skin to affect cellular and cardiometabolic health. She studies how the environment, social context, and mind states affect stress and metabolic health.

Nahid Appointed Associate Director of Clinical Trials Operations

Payam Nahid, MD, MPH, has been appointed as associate director, Clinical Trials Operations (CTO), in the Office of Research after a competitive internal UCSF search. In his new role, Dr. Nahid will collaborate closely with the associate vice chancellor of Clinical Research and the rest of the Office of Research leadership.

Tapping into the Diverse Bay Area Population through CTSI Research Facilities

Early Probiotic Supplementation for Eczema and Asthma Prevention TIPS Study & The AsthmaNet Studies

The Cigarette and Vape Industry Won’t Support this Research, but CTSI Will

CTSI Supports a Broad Range of Smoking Research - From the Pharmacology of Nicotine, Informing Tobacco Policy and Rise in Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic & Tobacco cigarette
iStock: Neydtstock
