Both the Biospecimen Services Program (BSP) and the Sample Processing Lab (SPL) were previously situated in two separate home departments (Cancer Center and CTSI, respectively), and operating as two separate groups offering numerous overlapping services. In 2022, the BSP transitioned from the Cancer Center into CTSI and is now housed in the same department as SPL.
We are excited to combine these two programs and services under one cohesive program with a new name, the Biospecimen Processing Lab (BSPL). This merger will standardize study initiation through a single entry point, operate under unified recharge rates, and standardize hours of operation. The merger will leverage the opportunity for cross coverage across labs, open up the potential for after-hours processing capabilities, as well as offer further potential growth across the UCSF campus.
The anticipated completion of the merger is July 1, 2023. In the short term, current recharge rates for studies onboarded through BSP and SPL will remain separate. Future recharge rates are expected to be competitive with the current rates. Additional updates (approved recharge rates, standardized hours of operation, etc.) will be provided through separate email communications and all merger communications will also be posted on the BSPL website.