We are thrilled to announce that Harold "Hal" Collard, MD, has been appointed as Associate Vice Chancellor of Clinical Research (AVC-CR) effective February 1, 2019. Hal will also continue to lead the CTSI organization as director. This dual role will help UCSF research be more effective, efficient, and aligned with institutional and NIH priorities.
“Dr. Collard has demonstrated a commitment to thoughtful, collaborative leadership at CTSI, excelling at bringing people and innovative resources together for UCSF. I have every confidence that he will be successful in his new role,” stated Lindsey A. Criswell, MD, MPH, DSc, UCSF Vice Chancellor of Research.
Dr. Collard is Professor in Residence in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, and he is the Director of the UCSF Interstitial Lung Disease Program (a clinical and translational research group focused on the epidemiology and pathobiology of lung fibrosis). Over the last 15 years, Dr. Collard has produced seminal articles on the epidemiology, natural history, and management of interstitial lung diseases, and he is an internationally recognized clinical researcher and trialist. He has had extensive experience designing and leading both NIH-funded and industry-sponsored clinical trials, from small, single center pharmacokinetic studies to large multicenter registration studies. Dr. Collard has trained over a dozen clinical and translational research fellows (he is a recipient of a K24 award in patient-oriented research) who are now leading academic research programs in lung fibrosis around the world.