
CTSI Director, S. Claiborne (Clay) Johnston, MD, PhD

New T1 Translational Catalyst Award to Support Development of Diagnostics and Therapeutics

February 11, 2010
Experts from industry, academia, and venture capital who have experience creating therapies and diagnostic tests will help the researchers outline appropriate next steps.

New Resident Travel Funds Available

February 11, 2010
Deadlines: March 1 & September 1 each year

Health Care Research & Policy Leaders Join UCSF Symposium to Discuss Comparative Effectiveness Research and Health Care

January 29, 2010
National experts in health care research and policy will convene on Friday, January 29, to discuss how to take some of the guesswork out of doctors’ treatment decisions, with the goal of improving health care.

National Use of UCSF Infant Screening: Policy Development Made Possible by the CTSI Pediatric Clinical Research Center

January 26, 2010
A federal pediatric advisory committee has voted unanimously to include a screening test for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, or SCID, in the core panel of newborn screening performed nationwide.

CTSI presents its Areas of Focus and Plans for the Future to Improve Your Life as a Researcher at UCSF - Join Us!

January 26, 2010
Share your ideas with CTSI leadership to inform the Clinical & Translational Award (CTSA) renewal application to the NIH at the CTSI Poster Session
Bill Balke, MD

New Director of the Clinical Research Center C. William Balke to Bring Deep Knowledge in Clinical & Translational Research Organization to CTSI and UCSF

January 25, 2010
Dr. C. William Balke's main responsibilities will include directing the CTSI CRC and serving on the Board of Directors of the CTSI.
