Awards Aim to Streamline Core Research Facilities

Julie Auger, executive director of RRP

By Kristen Bole

CTSI Supports Effort Through UCSF Open Proposals

The UCSF Office of Research is launching a $2 million equipment award program for technology proposals that expand and improve access to core research facilities.

The awards will go to “enabling technology” centers on campus that propose ways to transform current access to technologies that support research for a broad range of laboratories.

To stay competitive, science has to become more streamlined and efficient.
Julie Auger, executive director of UCSF's Research Resources Program

Starting Monday, Aug. 20, faculty and core facility directors can submit proposals for equipment funding to improve the access and use of their facilities, with the goal of creating a sustainable, long-term and broad benefit for UCSF research. As an open-proposal initiative, other faculty will be able to comment, contribute ideas, or even combine multiple proposals to build the strongest proposals possible.

“To stay competitive, science has to become more streamlined and efficient,” said Julie Auger, executive director of the Research Resources Program, who was recruited to UCSF in 2010 to oversee coordination of those resources. “A lot of these technologies cost easily $500,000 – our goal is to support facilities where there’s an enabling structure to make sure the technology is available to as many researchers as possible.”