On May 11th, more than 200 participants gathered at Presidio’s Golden Gate Club to share, learn, and explore the expanding opportunities we all have to work together. Those who came included primary care clinicians, practice‐based researchers, health system leaders, public health leaders, patient stakeholders, community‐based organizations, informatics specialists, students, fellows and research funders. It was a gorgeous spring day, and one of our most inspiring gatherings yet.
The meeting began with a keynote address by Kevin Grumbach, who eloquently and at times humorously explored what it takes to create research partnerships at the intersection of community, clinical practice, and public policy. This was followed by two outstanding plenary sessions, one identifying research needs to address uncertainties created by cannabis legalization, and another showcasing exemplary partnership between local government, health systems, and community stakeholders to improve food security and family well being in poor communities in Oakland.

Right ‐ Plenary on Cannabis Legalization with Drs. Derek Satre, Judith Martin and Beau Kilme
Lively concurrent sessions included a dozen presentations of exemplary practice‐based research projects from around the bay area. Presentations included topics such as the use of geocoded clinical data in Contra Costa County to identify neighborhoods in need of more community resources to address childhood obesity, team ‐ based approaches to improve hypertension control, and mobile health technologies to help adolescents adopt healthy behaviors.
For many, the highlight of the day was the opportunity for networking! It is rare that leaders from academia, government, and clinical settings have a chance to interact in person around common interests. Several new working groups were formed or expanded, and we’ll do our best to support these new connections in the year to come. We’ll keep you posted on how they develop through our SFBayCRN eNews . And, whether or not you made it this year, we hope to see you at next year’s annual meeting!