Sharecase Features Contest Winners from CTSI

CTSI's Katja Reuter, Eric Meeks, and Leslie Yuan (not pictured, Anirvan Chatterjee) made up two of the five teams honored as winners of the UCSF IT Innovation Contest.

Nearly 1,000 members of the UCSF community turned out to explore the latest in innovation and technology at UCSF during the first-ever Sharecase event on October 12, 2012, at the Mission Bay campus. The event was sponsored by UCSF IT.

Highlights of the day included recognition by UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann of the five IT Innovation Contest winners, which included two teams from CTSI:

CTSI also manages UCSF Open Proposals, the proposal development and team-building tool used for the IT Innovation Contest.

Oksana Gologorskaya and Brian Turner, both product managers with CTSI's Virtual Home program, at the CTSI booth.

The Sharecase event included dozens of booths showcasing campus IT resources and services, as well as a series of special events and presentations throughout the day.

"Sharecase offered a great opportuntiy to network with other IT professionals at UCSF, and to showcase some of the services that CTSI is enabling for researchers and others across campus," Yuan said. CTSI's booth showcased four tools powered by CTSI's Virtual Home program, including UCSF Profiles, UCSF Cores Search, the Accelerate website, and UCSF Open Proposals

Other CTSI resources and services on display included:

Read more about Sharecase at Sharecase Displays Best of IT Information Technology at UCSF.

UCSF's CTSI is a member of the Clinical and Translational Science Awards network funded through the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (grant Number UL1 TR000004) at the National Institutes of Health. Under the banner of "Accelerating Research to Improve Health," CTSI provides a wide range of services for researchers, and promotes online collaboration and networking tools such as UCSF Profiles.