UCSF Leaders Join CTSI Board

Sam Hawgood, MBBS, Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine (left) and Donna Ferriero, MD, MS, Chair of the UCSF Department of Pediatrics are the newest members of the CTSI Board.

CTSI has announced that two distinguised UCSF leaders will join its Board, which now includes 16 members representing all aspects of the UCSF community. View all CTSI Board members

The new members include Sam Hawgood, MBBS, Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine, and Donna Ferriero, Chair of the UCSF Department of Pediatrics. 

Sam Hawgood, MBBS, was appointed dean of the UCSF School of Medicine and vice chancellor for medical affairs in September of 2009, after having served as interim dean since December of 2007. In addition to his distinguished career at UCSF, where he was chair of the Department of Pediatrics and associate director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute, he has an international reputation in neonatology research. A native of Australia, Hawgood graduated medical school with First Class Honors from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. He trained in pediatrics as a resident, followed by specialization in neonatology as a fellow. Read more

Donna Ferriero, MD, MS, is professor of Pediatrics and Neurology and Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Physician-in-Chief of the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. She is also director of the Neonatal Brain Disorder Laboratories and co-director of the Newborn Brain Research Institute at UCSF. Read more

The CTSI Board provides strategic direction for the Institute, from a UCSF and national perspective, with an emphasis on:

  • Goals and key initiatives, focusing on scope, metrics and progress;
  • Coordination with and leverage from other UCSF and national initiatives;
  • Integration of opportunities across the biomedical spectrum of research (e.g. dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy) and partners (industry, government, community, etc.).