Video: The Future of CTSI at UCSF

As part of preparations for CTSI's 6th Annual Retreat, CTSI Director Clay Johnston sat down with UCSF Chancellor Sue Desmond-Hellmann to discuss her vision for CTSI's future at the University.

"I'm really glad that CTSI is at UCSF," the Chancellor says in the video. "It starts with providing some glue across our community." She goes on to explore how CTSI supports collaboration at UCSF and with the larger Bay Area community, and how the Institute is enabling innovation and efficiencies.

In response to a question about how to ensure that CTSI continues to thrive at UCSF, the Chancellor notes that while there's no easy answer, the long-term solution is for CTSI to become a seamless part of the clinical delivery system. Short-term, she says, "CTSI can help convince the clinical delivery enterprise that they won't inevitably lose a lot of money by coming together more cosely with clinical research."

Although unable to attend the 2012 CTSI Retreat, the Chancellor provided a videotaped message for the 250+ members of the UCSF community who were in attendance.

View all videos on the CTSI YouTube channel