As part of efforts to define, champion and integrate high-quality education in healthcare value throughout campus training programs, the UCSF Center for Healthcare Value (CHV) gathered a diverse group of campus stakeholders on October 13, 2013, to highlight innovative approaches currently underway.
“This was a unique opportunity to showcase the work of several teams across campus that are rethinking training for educators, clinicians, researchers and healthcare leaders,” said George Sawaya, MD, who leads the CHV Training Initiative, one of the Center’s three areas of focus.
“We’re working to foster an understanding of the role of cost-consciousness in healthcare decision-making and to promote value-based healthcare as a fundamental aspect of education,” he said.
The event began with opening remarks from Clay Johnston, MD, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor of Research, and Deborah Grady, MD, Associate Dean of Clinical and Translational Research, who recognized the important work of the represented teams. Johnston and Grady also direct UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), which is administering the CHV.
Catherine Lucey, MD, Vice Dean for Education, was also on hand to offer her encouragement, and highlighted the importance of supporting new thinking and innovation in education at UCSF.
Presentations included (view videos):
- Less is More: Promoting High-Value Prescribing through an Interprofessional Peer-to-Peer Education Model (video); presented by Helene Lipton, PhD, School of Pharmacy and Cindy Lai, MD, School of Medicine
- The UCSF Cost Awareness Curriculum: Encouraging appropriate use of nebulizers - Nebs no more after 24 (video); presented by Chris Moriates, MD, Graduate Medical Education, School of Medicine
- Curriculum to Promote Awareness of Cost Containment (video); presented by Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH, and Claire Horton, MD, Division of Internal Medicine, San Francisco General Hospital
- Valuing Health from the Start: A Cost-Awareness Curriculum for Pediatricians (video); presented by Adam Schickedanz, MD, Graduate Medical Education, School of Medicine
- Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: Pilot Project to Reduce Inappropriate Use in the ICU (video); presented by Stephanie Rennke, MD, Graduate Medical Education, School of Medicine
- The Intersession Curriculum at the University of California, San Francisco (video); presented by Adam Visconti, MPH, Undergraduate Medical Education, School of Medicine.
The CHV Training Initiative is planning a 2014 campus retreat focused on integrating value with education. To learn more or to receive updates about the CHV’s work, please contact Lisa Schoonerman, Senior Program Manager.