SF Bay CRN News
This is a quarterly news update for friends and members of the San Francisco Bay Area Collaborative Research Network (SF Bay CRN). The SF Bay CRN facilitates practice-based research partnerships between member researchers, clinicians, and clinical practice groups at UCSF and in the San Francisco Bay Area. Members include primary care physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and other primary health care disciplines. For more information about SF Bay CRN projects, resources, and publications, visit www.sfbaycrn.org.
Learning More About the CRN Network:
2012-2013 SF Bay CRN Member Survey
In the last two years, membership has grown to include many new community-based clinicians, healthcare organizations, and UCSF faculty members. In order to stay connected about things that matter to you, we will soon be sending out a brief electronic SF Bay CRN Member Survey. We hope everyone will respond. As an incentive and to make it more fun, we will include all survey respondents in a raffle for two free iPad Mini’s.
New Center for Practice-Based Research and Learning:
Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research awards a new 5-year partnership
SF Bay CRN will participate in a national consortium of practice-based research networks to develop and share best practices for practice-based research in minority and underserved populations. Besides SF Bay CRN, the center includes networks based in Albuquerque, Atlanta, Dayton, Detroit, Denver, Houston, and Los Angeles. In Year 1 of the 5-year project, SF Bay CRN will lead a learning group on building effective academic/community partnerships to support these goals.
New Project in Practice-Based Research using Mobile Phone Technology:
Promoting Asthma Self-Management through an Interactive AsthmaMD Mobile App
Congratulations to Drs. Ngoc Ly (UCSF Department of Pediatrics) and Sam Pejham (Tri-Valley Pediatrics) and on their Translational Catalyst Award from the Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI). The project will help them develop their research on the use of AsthmaMD, an interactive mobile phone application developed by Dr. Pejham and his colleague Salim Majd which helps patients improve their asthma self-management. This partnership was initially supported with a small grant from SF Bay CRN.
UCSF Research Symposium
Are you interested in comparative effectiveness or patient-centered outcomes?
UCSF is sponsoring a symposium to address these issues on January 8, 2013. Particular focus will be placed on describing priorities and methods for comparative effectiveness research and maximizing opportunities for obtaining funding from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). For more information, click on this link: http://ctsi.ucsf.edu/calendar/about-ctsi/ctsi-symposium-comparative-effectiveness-research
JABFM Special Issue on PBRN’s
What is a Practice-Based Research Network, anyway?
Those of you who are new to PBRNs may be interested in checking out the September-October issue of the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, which is devoted to this topic. Here is the link: http://www.jabfm.org/content/current
SF Bay CRN is a program of UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and its Community Engagement and Health Policy Program. For more information about SF Bay CRN activities or publications, or to share a story about your work with SF Bay CRN for this newsletter, contact Michael Potter, MD – Director, or James Rouse Iñiguez, MA – Program Coordinator.